Twitter Now Has A New Feature That Recycles Tweets You May Have Missed

If you want to know what is trending right now in this very minute, heading to Twitter would be the wise thing to do. After all, one of the social media website's greatest attributes is its ability to tweet news and information in real time, which makes it the go-to place anybody looking for breaking news on a particular topic.
However, as all Twitter users know, you can never follow everything for twenty four hours and seven days a week. When you log off, you are surely bound to miss something, even for a few minutes.
Fortunately, Twitter is addressing this with a new feature. Dubbed Recap, this feature is designed to recycle tweets that might be relevant to a particular user. What it does is display those potentially interesting tweets on the user's news feed, making sure that the user does not miss anything while he or she was away.
The new Recap feature is also a nifty move by Twitter to get people to engage with the website more, which could readily translate to more revenue for the social media company.
But wait -- how does the Recap feature know which tweets would be relevant or interesting to a certain user? Recap looks out for several factors in order to determine this. These factors may have something to do with how frequently Twitter users follow this particular Twitter account, or how interested they are in a certain topic or similar subject. Thus, users who visit the Twitter website frequently will see tweets labeled with "while you were away" less often than those who only log in occasionally.
The new Recap feature has already began rolling out to Apple's iOS mobile operating system for the iPhone, the iPad, and the iPod Touch. As for Android users -- well, they just have to wait for a few days for their systems to be updated with the new feature. The same goes for those who log in to their Twitter accounts via the Internet.
Interestingly, this is not the first time that the social media company has tried exploring ways in which to increase user engagement by doing things on the timelines of users. As a matter of fact, in August of last year, Twitter announced a new feature that would display tweets potentially relevant and interesting tweets from accounts that users do not follow. Of course, that was quite an unusual turn for a social network known for its strict compliance to the see-tweets-only-from-people-you-follow rule and understandably got a mixed reaction from most of the Twitterverse.
This time, Twitter is hoping that the new Recap feature will get a better reception from the Internet crowd. If not, then you can bet we are going to see some very unflattering hashtags soon.
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