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Signal Strength

Selecting a Cell Phone »

It is worth noting that a more expensive phone doesn't necessarily mean better reception. Higher-priced phones are often more feature-rich, and may have slightly better microphones, yielding better voice clarity. However, all phones sold for a given carrier's service are built to the specifications of that carrier, so they should all have roughly the same signal strength in a given location.

If you are having ongoing reception issues, you are more likely to resolve those by moving to a carrier with better service where you need it than you are by switching phones with the same carrier.

Indoor Phone Reception

No matter what technology your phone uses, or how much it cost, you may find that the signal is weak in many indoor locations. With more people using their cell phone as their primary or only phone, this can be more than an annoyance. One possible solution is a signal booster. These devices capture the strongest available signal within range, bringing it inside, to give you improved coverage. However, they are fairly expensive; we've seen some recently featured at just under $300.

Another option is to purchase a Bluetooth phone with a wireless headset. While at home, you can keep the phone in the location with the strongest signal, and use the headset for mobility.

Over the next couple of years, a better solution is expected to come in the form of wireless phones that will also be able to connect via the Internet, using an available Wi-Fi connection.

Indoor Phone Reception