Apple Pay Can Now Be Used In Purchasing Electronic Train Tickets in New York

Over the past few months, Apple has been signing deals with various banks and retail establishments so they can provide their Apple Pay service to their customers. Today, however, it seems like Apple is ready to hit a new direction with Apple Pay as it has tapped on transportation companies to adapt the payment option.
Announcing its partners, Apple has just partnered with Long Island Rail Road and Metro North Railroad. Now that Apple Pay is available with these two companies, riders have a more convenient way to purchase their train tickets.
According to the announcement made by New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, customers may be able to use Apple Pay or Masterpass on the MTA's eTix mobile app starting Wednesday. Through this app, riders will be able to purchase one way, round trip, and ten trip tickets. There are also options to purchase weekly, monthly and CityTickets passes for the convenience of each passenger.
On a press release, the Governor expressed that this partnership with Apple Pay was their way of rebuilding the city's transit system and making it fit the technology of the 21st century. By implementing Apple Pay as a payment option for getting train tickets, they hope they are able to make use of the service for the convenience of their riders. At the same time, they intend to improve the overall experience riders have on their daily commute using mass transit.
Governor Cuomo had revealed earlier this summer that MTA eTix (originally intended to be completed before the start of 2017) would be fast tracked so that passengers of both the Metro North Railroad and Long Island Rail Road would be able to make use of the mobile app by the end of the summer season. The deployment of the app started last June 30th with the the Long Island Rail Road Port Washington Branch and Metro North Hudson Line. Later, the roll out continued on Metro North’s Harlem Line last July 25th, and was finally made available to the remainder of the Long Island Rail Road and Metro North’s New Haven Line last August 22nd.
In order to start using Apple Pay in the MTA eTix app, you simply need to choose the ticket you intend to buy. Once you have selected the ticket, choose the option "Pay with Apple Pay.” This will then lead you to confirm your purchase, which you can easily do by tapping the fingerprint sensor on your device.
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